I'm officially a masters student at American University.



"Dear Michelai,


It is my pleasure to inform you that you have been selected for admission to the MA in Journalism and Public Affairs Investigative Specialty program for the Summer 2017 term at American University's School of Communication."

My black girl magic is shining so bright today, do you see me? I need you to feel me because my anxiety has been on a thousand waiting for this moment ever since I discovered this program. I'm still floating. I'm exactly where I need to be, doing what I am meant to do. During the past couple of weeks, I've felt crippled by the tragedies surrounding the minority community. I woke up this morning so down and out. Didn't take my morning walk but the stars still seemed to align for me. God knew I needed this blessing. I have to give many thanks to my mentor, Bonnie Williams, and my supervisor during my time writing for the Lansing City Pulse, Ty Forque, for writing my letters of recommendation. Many thanks to all of my friends and peers who reviewed my admission essay and thank you to those who have sent me so much love today, I needed it! 

Not only is February Black History month but, in the first seven days of this month, I've signed a lease for my first DC home rental, applied to graduate school and am now admitted with a few merit awards coming my way. This is our month for a reason! As I have ventured down this career path, I have been inspired by many, but especially black women. To be so oppressed, we are still so joyful and humble, that's so admirable to me. Despite all of the trial and tribulations going on in this world today, these women continue to inspire me through their effortless work:

These are just a few of a very long list. I hope this inspired you to start a list. Think about who inspires you, for whatever reason. Chase your dreams and realize, we all have to start somewhere. I'm excited for my new journey at American University but D.C., I'm just getting started.




P.S. I feel weird for not being at happy hour right now *takes a sip of imaginary wine*


How I got into American University.